Originally Posted By: REDDOG79
I am planning on putting thorny shrubs below the windows and changing dead bolts out to new ones. I read about putting longer screws in the doorframe.

I will also be building a gun range in my back yard so the sound of gunfire may deter thieves.

A good security plan is in layers, like we dress for the cold. No single layer will, for sure, stop a determined intruder. What you want is to keep presenting them with a new layer to slow them down and decide its too much trouble/risk.

Most home robbers are not doing much more than looking for something quick and easy to grab to sell for drugs thing like DVD's/players/TV's/computers and, the mother load, guns. To them, time and being noticed is the enemy.

So, the above comments are all good advice. You may also want to consider:

-Making sure the windows are as secure as you are making the door.
-Inside the house motion sensors tied to a very very loud alarm either inside or outside the house.
-A "panic button" for the alarm.
-secure storage for your weapons. Don't rely on "hiding places"--the bad guys have seen them all.

As Benjammin said, the sky's the limit on what you can do, but you can do a lot by yourself a little at a time; Radio Shack used to carry a good line of home security products, although I haven't checked them since we did our house several years ago. There also are some good on-line vendors of home security products.

I don't have any experience with the various services that will install and monitor a system for you for a "low monthly fee." We can't afford all the "low" monthly fees.

Congrats on the new home!
"Better is the enemy of good enough."