Even a Leatherman Wave is a compromise, if you think about it.

Off course.

This thread isnt about replacing 20 tools with one "super tool" . Rather it is about a principle that all prepared minded folks know about ( the mult-layer system ).

When you have a tiny PSK in your pocket, it doesnt mean you throw the BOB from your tuck. It just adds another layer of pretection in case emegencies strip you from the better and more effiecient options.

So, I have a few knives, shovels ..etc. and the house burns or I bug out, then the car is wrecked or trapped in a traffic jam ..etc. and you find your self without your huge pantry and without the car collection of survival equipment. In such case, you dont have the luxury of having 10 dedicated tools, it one or two VETSATILE tools that can help you solve as many problems as possible.

It is like the other threads that ask ( If you had to choose only one tool or one knife, what would it be ? ) but I guess I made the thread a bit less focused LOL.

I like the machete ideas and also the small shove kit.
The shovel kit is more versatile, but a machete can be trusted with prying more than the shovel kit. I will see if both can be squeezed in one small package.

Maybe if I squeeze something like this with a shovel kit