I just returned from a religious service 30 minutes away via freeway.In that combined hour I had to take evasive action 3 times because of inattentive, aggressive or plain incompetent drivers. I almost tagged a street vendor racing his icecream pushcart against a red light.He swore at me in Mixtec. I swore back in Mixtec and he freaked out and tried to shake my hand and give me a coconut icecreme bar. I took the icecreme, didn't shake hands and he looked mad in my mirror. I had to explain to THREE competing relgious cults I had a ferocious animal behind my front door and was going to open it NOW.Said ferocious animal made a copious territorial scent marking on my BOB.

I turned on my Computer to check the site and read 'hundreds of unsafe miles.'

Please, give me some map coordinates.

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (10/19/08 09:06 PM)