I'm already seeing affects in my business as clients and suppliers cut jobs and scale back projects as they begin to have cashflow problems.

I don't understand much about "high finance" nor economics, so that may contribute to my growing *feeling* of unease.

If I understand it, the liquidity problems that banks are experiencing are deflationary.

I know some oil producing countries have been moving away from U.S. dollars to other currencies. (pre-war Iraq, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, ring any bells?)

I know the federal Reserve has been printing a huge amount of dollars this year and last, and this increase in the money supply has been creating inflation.

It seems the value of the U.S. dollar is in grave jeopardy.

On a personal, day-to-day basis, I've basically been in scramble mode for a few months and am making good progress but not quickly enough I fear. Just trying to keep a level head, keep doing what I think I need to do and move ahead faster than I usually do. Definitely new territory for me!