Hi,<br><br>I also own a AF Survival knife since a few months made somewhere in the eighties and although I find the saw teeth on the back only usefull to produce sonme fine thinder the bowie blade actually has one of my sharpest edges of any blade I own including a Chris Reeve Sebenza, Spyderco Military etc.<br><br>It is scarry sharp and arm hair just topple over when I come near them.<br>OK it loses this performance faster then my Sebenza costing well over $300 but it is easilly restured using the small triangular ceramic Tri-Seps sharpener from Gatco.<br>Also the false edge (first 1.5" of blade) is sharpened and the point is so extreme that I reguarly use it to pick splinters from my fingers and hand.<br><br>In a survival situation I can live with the blade loosing it's bite sooner as I can always bring it back to scarry performance with just a few strokes.<br><br>Best thing, a used one can be found for $10-$20 and a new one can be had for less then $40.<br><br>Best scouting wishes from Holland,<br><br>Bagheera<br>(ssvnimrod)<br><br>