From the articles I've been reading on Mr. Andrews (may God rest his soul and comfort his wife), his camp was found near where his body was found, reportedly in a "crevasse." I imagine they mean a crevice or ravine, not a crevasse. A crevasse is a feature associated with glaciers. He was not near a glacier at the time.

It may have been that he merely slipped and fell near his camp but had his SPOT with him (hmm, maybe I should carry my PLB on my person not in my pack). He apparently survived long enough to activate his SPOT but succumbed to exposure. Sounds like he was too injured to get back to his nearby camp and equipment, poor guy. Could happen to anyone.

Good thing for his wife that he was at least somewhat prepared and had the SPOT with him so that at least his body was found. In snow country like the High Sierra, it can be months (or longer as in Steve Fossett's case) before the body can be found. The not knowing in the interim is hell on a family. I speak from personal experience on that last thought.
Adventures In Stoving