Be very careful with the e-mailing of documents suggestions. Now I know the chances are slim that someone is going to be sitting in the middle intercepting that mail but I do know a lot of people who will sit down at a public pc and look through the cached internet files or temp files to see what they can find. You see any time you hit a web page the images are all cached locally and any time you open a document attachment those are either cached with the images or copied to a system temp location. A lot of places are smart about clearing those on a logoff or a reboot but a lot are not. So when you check your e-mail from public places you could be leaving traces behind.
Also coming from an IT background I knw its not uncommon to see IT people go do a search for *.mp3 or *.jpg on servers to see what they can find. Sometimes its legit to see if someone might have pirated or offensive material on company servers, sometimes its the guy that just got laid off looking to see what he can take with him.
Having been burned myself by Yahoo (caching credit card info allowing it to be stolen) and Hotmail (loosing everything I had stored there) I have backed far away from trusting online services.