How weird. I was cleaning out a bookshelf this weekend and ran across an old copy of a Bradford Angier book on backpacking. After scanning it briefly, I realized how out dated it is since I bought it in the early seventies. I decided to chuck it in the trash before any of my kids find it and try to read it. :-)<br><br>Incidentally, I also pulled out my old copy of the Boy Scout Fieldbook. It to is dated, but is still a useful reference and a very good read. The parts that are out of date are mostly "High" impact camping techniques, such as digging a pit for burying a "Bean Pot" pork and beans recipe. Scouts today practicing low impact camping would never dig such a pit. <br><br>The new Fieldbook is pretty good. It's up-to-date, but is not organized in an intuitive manner. It's also missing a lot of useful information. I was looking for plans for a reflector oven for our upcoming camping trip. It's in the old book but not the new one.<br><br>BTW, copies of the old Fieldbook can be found on eBay. The prices really fluctuate but I finally found one for $6 by being patient.<br><br>Willie Vannerson<br>McHenry, IL
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL