Its good to see that I'm not the only one that see's the electrical grid as a problem.

This is a brand new field of study, and there isn't much "theory" textbooks out there, but there are plenty of practical pamphlets for individuals and small businesses.

IzzyJG99 has the right view in that it is going to take more than one thing to get things done. A successful Emergency Preparedness program in your area will have a dual use for almost everything.

One thing no one mentioned: Community Involvement. We are a government "For the People, By the People". There should be community education programs EVERYWHERE that teach basic home preparation, BoB/72 hour kits, C.E.R.T., First Aid/CPR, Train-the-Trainer courses ( for those that want to help ), EMT, the list goes on. An educated community is a disaster resistant community.