Ike was a huge storm in size which luckily diffused it's power somewhat. The eye passed 22 miles to my east as a class 2 hurricane, though it was only 1mph under what is considered class 3.

Our neighborhood was hit with a constant windspeed of 72mph for over twelve hours. During that time we suffered gusts up to 97.75mph. It took about five hours to go from no wind to the 70mph winds. It took another 4-5 hours to drop back down from 70 down to zero.

There was suprisingly little rain during most of Ike, less than 5 inches in our neighborhood. However, another storm front hit as Ike was leaving and this storm dropped another 10 inches of rain in a six-hour period. 15 miles to the west recieved 19 inches of rain post-Ike. This resulted in minor flooding.

There was almost no lightening with Ike, at least in my location. The exploding transformers made up for that witha very impressive light show.

There were reports of tornadoes, especially to the east of the eye. There are indications that we might have been hit by some micro-twisters, but I have not been able to confirm this.

No hail.

Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
DrMerriwether on YouTube
Radio Call Sign: KI5BOG
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