After paying hundreds a month for phone/cable/satellite/internet service, I decided to take a perspective step backwards to the 80s. I no longer have a landline phone at home. My company issued me a dingleberry that I've been using for 4 years now and had to replace once, all at their cost. I don't have internet service at home, I have basic satellite, which I am giving up on my move to Denver at the end of the month (if the wife needs that much tv, she can pay for it). I use internet at work for all of my business now.

The kids have t-mobile accounts until my contract expires. After that, they get pre-paid phone service, and an allowance.

I figure I will be saving about $350 a month once I make the final move, and my t-mobile account lapses. That's a car payment.

We can all learn to do with less. I remember a time when my only contact with friends that weren't nearby was a once a week phone call or a letter in the mail. When was that ever enough?
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)