I had something sort of similar happen to me once while cleaning the garage. I bumped into some tubular steel that was leaning against the wall and tried to catch it as it was falling. It was heavier than I expected and it drove my hand into the edge of some very greasy/dirty expanded steel (it comes that way from the supplier). So I had a very rough, very dirty cut on the top of two of my knuckles. Oh, and I was also at home by myself.

I was able to stop the bleeding, and drove myself to the ER (hand above my heart, wrapped in gauze and paper towels). It's a good thing they numbed it well because they had to literally scrub the grime out of it. I could feel the pressure, but I think the pain might have made me faint if I could have felt it. I got 4 stitches on one finger and two on the other.

When I called my wife to tell her, I started with, "Honey, don't panic, but I'm at the Emergency Room..." She still gives me a hard time about that.