Originally Posted By: sockpuppet

Did you ever meet a real sherpa? .

Actually I have met and to this day, know very well and respect, a real Sherpa who has climbed on some of the highest mountains in the world. He at one time had a dog named Sherpadog, hence my handle on this forum. He does not mind me using this handle and actually thinks it is respectful.

Originally Posted By: sockpuppet

And wasen't bear grylls from the same unit? If so then it makes a good arguement that not all SAS troops are survival experts. He has a big fancy background too. I guess bear grylls MUST be right then eh mate?

I watch <1 hour of TV per week and have never seen Bear Grylls so it is not fair for me to comment on something I do not have first-hand knowledge of.

As for the rest of your comments, this fish is not biting...