Originally Posted By: nursemike
Originally Posted By: thseng
These are the nurses who think breastfeeding is a precise, regimented science...

Absolutely true. As a student nurse, I got assigned to the rooming-in suite. It was me (at age 24), mom and the baby, and the plan was for me to teach breast-feeding. Mom's first baby, so she hadn't a clue. I had read the book, but had no experience that I could recall. Disaster loomed, but the baby knew just what to do. In later years, terrified moms would bring babies to teh ER cuz it was midnight and the baby kept dozing off instead of nursing. Usually solved with a bottle of glucose water or pedialyte. And however bad it gets, in those first few months, take comfort in knowing that, when they reach 13 years of age...it will be worse...

Amazing you guys mentioned this. A friend of mine just had a baby up in the states, maybe 2 months ago. The Lactation Nurses (or Consultants, can't remember proper title) - yes pural - basically made her feel like a pile of do-do. Kept at her telling her everything she was doing was wrong, yelled at her, wouldn't let the baby have any formula at all (mom's milk wasn't coming through), etc. The baby was just hungry, thats why she was crying all the time. Finally after day 2 or 3 (forget exact details), went to another doctor and they mentioned to use this newborn formula. Supplement with breast milk when you can, etc... Baby was fine after that. The new doctor was pleasant and very informative. Sometimes bedside manner goes a long way.

"One should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything"
William of Ockham (1285-1349)