I'm still trying to find what I like, and what works for me so think of my reply as a report on a work in progress.

I've been driving up newly melted Forest Service Roads and truck camping just to work on specific skills. I've been playing with a bic, a spark-lite and mag bar. I like the combination because they are low tech and have few moving parts. I haven't actually used the mag bar yet, but from my reading it looks like it would complement the Spark-lite well. The ferricr*&%$#@!*&ium striker that runs along one side looks like it may work well with my Becker also.

To all in copy,
Two questions:
1) Do I need to use the sharp part of my knife to strike the rod to throw a spark or can I use the worn spot (no epoxy) on the spine of the blade?
2) How does the Vaseline & cotton work? Do you just dip the ball in a jar, and light it when you need it? Can you use too much Vaseline? What is the shelf life?