On the original topic I am conflicted. While you would hope that people giving other people advice (such as afore mentioned recommendation go kit) would do a good job, I'd also suggest that people who totally outsource their thinking get what they deserve.

"Hey dude! What's this squishy thing between my ears?!"

Actually, I'm willing to give the creators of the list the benefit of the doubt. They probably really have to aim for the lowest possible denominator, and in that context, if you get people to bring a smaller set of items instead of blowing it off all together, you might still be ahead of the game.

The area I fault them with is not having links to additional resources on the topic or perhaps calling this the "minimal preparations" page and having a supplemental "additional preparations" page.

On the latter topic, I think you want to avoid any type of shelter if you have the means to. We can quibble about details, but the bottom line is once you commit yourself to the mercy of someone else, you are... um... at their mercy.

My main concern is that the ongoing predilection towards forced evacuations. While I think it is perfectly fine for them to suggest "It would be a REAL bad idea to stay and here is why." and "If you change your mind it's too late, nobody is going to come for you.", I feel it should still be my decision*, esp. since once displaced, you are more likely to end up in some sort of shelter.

* After all, last I heard there was some squishy thing between my ears that needs some exercise.


Edited by JohnN (09/05/08 11:10 PM)