Originally Posted By: ironraven
I dont' see a conspiracy. I see a big honking rack with a LOT of loud fans. Chess players, like golf players, like it quiet. Deep Blue would have been a hyperventilating heavy breather- gets stuck in another room. The only "conspiracy" is that Deep Blue was made to beat Kasperov, not be a general chess player and that most other grandmasters would probably mop the board with DB.

I'll instead make a counter challenge- name this kabal of grandmasters. Prove that they was there, or at least were not any place else. Then I'll take it seriously.

Seeing as how Kasparov was the one playing, don't you think it should be his decision as to what constitutes a distraction? But no one, not even IBM, said that was the reason why they kept Deep Blue in another room. They kept it hidden so no one could see what they were doing.