I agree totally SockPuppet and Chris, fire is so important that I carry all three methods in case any one or two fails.

That being said, when you fall into the water and are dripping wet and shivering, good luck with a match as the water drains from your heavy winter clothing and runs down your arm all over your gear. Do you carry 100-matches? But strike the firesteel and it sparks, wet or not. Thousands of times.

Consider with shivering, numb hands and fingers the dexterity to strike a match, without breaking it, may not be possible. A firesteel you can spark with heavy handedness, even fumbling movements.

As for the "comical sizes", I dunno. Being able to easily light thousands of fires from a single rod in your preparedness cache could come in handy post SHTF.

I live in a -40F winter area. Believe me, I know winter survival. Firesteels work. Period.