Originally Posted By: DFW
I like the idea of one go-to box to keep things organized. Source please?

I picked up several of those last Fall at Walmart (in the trial/travel size aisle) for a couple of bucks each. The manufacturer is "iGo" although I haven't been able to find anything online, even using the UPC barcode information from the label. You might try your local Walmart to see if they still have any left, but other than that I don't know what to suggest. I'd still really like to find a red one, so if you find any, grab an extra for me.

How much of your stuff came with the original kit(s) and how much did you add to it to customize?

Other than the obvious sub-kits (Sawyer Extractor kit, Eldon Blood Typing Kit, Field ENT kit, etc.) the FAK was assembled from scratch using individual components.

My EDC and FAK