Originally Posted By: wildman800
I'll second the digging but I've found a few other very handy uses for the bayonet, as well.

No direct knowledge of this, but I saw an ad a while back for a fighting knife that indicated that it was designed for use in using the 'hot coffee, no burned fingers technique'. This maneuver appeared to involve sticking the blade of this sharpened prybar into a hot place-wood fire, exhaust pipe, lava vent, whatever-heating the blade, and then quenching the blade in your coffee cup, thereby heating the coffee. Nasty thing to do to tempered steel, but the item did not appear to be good for much else. Ever use your bayonet so?
Blast, thanks for letting the rest of us benefit from your insomnia. Explains the breath-taking performance needed to obtain the PhD, but then, I would be afraid to go to sleep in Troy, anyway.
Dance like you have never been hurt, work like no one is watching,love like you don't need the money.