Originally Posted By: Farmer
My smallest fishing kit is in a .410 shell. Hooks, split shot, leaders, swivels, line and rubber worms. There is a bright pink foam earplug that closes the shell and keeps the stuff inside from falling out which gets used as a bobber.
I have nothing against folks having "smallest fishing kit / survival kit". If you believe a bit of line and some hooks is sufficient to land some fish for you in an emergency. Cool, I am totally fine.

I firmly believe a person need to have proper tools to do a good job. This post is created to discuss how feasible/practical is the so called "10/30 feet fishing line, hooks" in a survival kit.

This extremely popular idea of packing multiple items into the smallest container and calling it a survival kit is flaw. It give a false impression that you have covered all bases when you are nice and cosy at home.

Farmer, Have you ever use it and catch any fish?