Originally Posted By: KenK
Yeah, I know that feeling.

My son has a mild form of autism that makes him very sensitive to sensory issues and unwilling to, well, go outside the "usual".

Three weeks back at Boy Scout summer camp, at the request of his only real friend in the troop (another autism thing), my son did the Wilderness Survival merit badge, including spending a night by himself in a shelter that he built with nothing but a knife, two matches, a poncho, and the clothes on his back. Cool.

VERY VERY cool - Beats Anna by a mile. I have 2 friends in my life that I would trust with anything. They are "Brothers by choice" (we are each only children, and are real close). One of them (won't use name here, but) has a son with moderate Autism, and has the usual sensory problems, so I have some clue as to what you experienced there. Last time I was at his house, his son saw a cloud or 2 in the sky. The son has serious problems with Thunderstorms, and he refused to leave the house (they were not thunderstom clouds - just nice puffy cumulis clouds). Took about 2 hours to talk him into going outside, but we did eventually

Edited by kc2ixe (08/17/08 09:46 PM)
Edit Reason: spelling
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