1. Never over-represented. Susan, Joy, and others are frequent posters.

2. Joy has expressed similar concerns. The reverse situation also is a concern to many guys.

3. Maybe start with the core tools; they typically fit into small containers as a EDC, PFAK, PSK – then build a BOB for each of you in a couple backpacks. Food – maybe in 5 gallon buckets that can live in your garage rafters if need be.

4. How about taking a wilderness skill course? Start with a short introductory class and see how it goes. Your local park and rec agency, or college may offer courses.

5. In California the Department of Fish & Game puts on “Outdoor Women” courses to encourage participation by the “fair sex” in male-dominated activities. If you are not in California, consider checking with your state’s equivalent agency. Check on the internet for groups near you. Look to your local sporting goods retailers – many host seminars by manufacturers of gear yin which you may be interested. Check the phone book for outdoor oriented clubs that may run free introductory events to increase membership. Consider joining a local Scouting group. See if your church or one in your area has an outdoor program. #1 – make some friends who share your interests and learn from them. Consider posting your general location ans see who pops up on this and other forums. #1 – make some friends who share your interests and learn from them.