Originally Posted By: BobS
Originally Posted By: red
Even if you happen to be an M.D., my dad (a splendid physician) had a good saying: A doctor who treats himself has a fool for a doctor and a fool for a patient.

I don’t agree with this, if a person gets an infection and he happens to be a doctor, and he takes some meds he would prescribe to his patents for the same problem he’s a fool??? I don’t see how this makes a person a fool or reckless or that he’s engaging in anything even slightly dangerous.

Obviously a doctor can’t operate on himself, but if he has a minor problem that an antibiotic can fix, why not?

The problem is this...how does the doctor remain objective/ emotionally detached when he's treating himself?

My father served on the PRN (Physician's Recovery Network) for docs who were addicts. In almost every single case, the doctor related that it started with him self-treating for something very minor..."just to keep sharp" and each ethical barrier fell as he progressed into harder stuff. No, not every doctor who self-treats with something minor is going to progress to worse, but why risk it?

With that being said, I know several fine docs who still write for themselves; it's their call, not mine.
When the SHTF, no one comes out of it smelling pretty.