Originally Posted By: Art_in_FL
So far I have neglected defense against dinosaurs.

Particularly the mid-sized feathered dinosaurs. Jurassic Park got it wrong. In the unlikely event it becomes an issue I'm thinking triple ought buck and sabot slugs should provide some level of deterrence and control. Even bird shot might be good enough because their eyes are exposed and, evidently, pretty vulnerable.

Lacking that simply hamstringing the expendable guy in the group should provide enough time to get away. It always pays to have one or two in every group who are expendable. Star Trek had red shirts. We have Phil.

But remember the old poker adage: 'If you look around the table and can't spot the pigeon ... your it'.

Don't be the red shirt in your group.

Reminds me of the gamer adage, "I don't have to be faster than the dragon, I just have to be faster than you *trip*"