Originally Posted By: thseng

From the article, it sounds like the SPOT alert was not taken seriously. However, I'm starting to wonder if a PLB would have been much better. The excuse they gave was:
“All they do is submit a lat and longitude, so all we get is a location of a distress call but no details,” Sills said. “I don’t think it’s a well thought through technology because it doesn’t give the nature of the emergency.”

And a PLB is different how?

On the contrary - they started a rare night rescue with an air/sea helicopter and crew, at a decent elevation of 8,200 feet, based on the SPOT-provided location and the hiker/climber provided sense of urgency. As it says flying at night is dangerous along the Coast Range. The context of 'all they do is submit a lat and long' is in response to the unstated question - why the heck did you go after these yahoos in the first place? Meaning, there was not information as to the *actual* status of the injured climber or his friends, the urgency was over-stated, and they appear to have just wanted to chopper out of the situation. Incredible:

"The rescue crew were later shocked to discover a lone person, the injured climber, lying on the glacier at a higher elevation. The rescue crew was able to access, stabilize and transport the injured hiker inside the helicopter.

The rest of his climbing party had to be woken from a “deep sleep” at Wedgemont Hut, according to Sills. Whistler SAR was surprised that the injured person would be left alone after a seemingly urgent request for help.

According to an e-mail from Sills, the threesome felt there was no point in them all being cold when a helicopter would pick them up in the morning.

However, when asked in an interview why the climber was left alone on the glacier, Sills said, “We don’t speculate on why people do things.”"

Its not the results with a PLB would be any different, the only possible difference is these climbers bought the SPOT for exactly this kind of 'emergency call for help.' Granted their climbing partner needed some help, but the rest of them didn't, and they abandoned him on the glacier for no known reason other than 'to keep from being cold when the helicopter picked them up.' Absolutely incredible.