Making do with what you have, isn't that our motto, more or less? There's lots of things that can come into our lives and upset the best laid plans, sometimes they are real acute and obvious, as with a hurricane or earthquake, sometimes more subtle, such as heart disease or drifting apart or a change in the economy. Whenever it is we realize that we are not so much in command of our fates as we would like, it is then that the survival perspective we cultivate on this forum and elsewhere serves our ability to "weather the storm".

It is in our nature to surround ourselves with all sorts of comforts, both literal and philosophical, in an attempt to make life seem less strenuous than it really is. It is part of an illusion we create for ourselves so that the ever-present knowledge of how feeble we really are isn't staring us in the face all the time. Such an illusion placates us, and draws us into complacency. Then when reality comes to call, we get stressed out and exacerbate the effects in our mind to the point that we compound our suffering by fret and worry.

The truth is, for the vast majority of us, we are much less in control of our own destiny than we convince ourselves we are. It takes constant effort to remain aware and vigilant that whatever we have, accomplish, or pursue in life, we are as likely, if not moreso, to lose it, to miss the mark, or to otherwise realize that having is not so great a thing as wanting.

I commend you for being able to recover your wits enough to realize what is truly important, and the real worth of the things in your life, both permanent and temporary, and to be able to distinguish between the two. Health, relationships, possessions and social status are all things we like to pursue, but remain things we cannot control, and inevitably become liabilities to our life's journey if we put more stock in them than they deserve. You have a little knowledge, and a means of getting by in life. That is most often enough. Everything else can either be replaced or is unavoidable, neither of which is worth worrying about that much.

Movies like "Click" are connotative models of learning that we can get our life's priorities a bit skewed, and once in a while need to get a good dose of perspective. Sometimes it is easier to take, sometimes not so much, but it happens, sooner or later, to all of us.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)