Originally Posted By: thseng
I guess I just find it amusing that some people would readily accept the concept that we may exist only the computer of some aliens yet scoff at the idea that we exist in the mind of God.
We have computers. We can even speculate in some detail about how existing in one might work. This isn't completely falsifiable, but there are hard edges to the enquiry and it leads onto new ideas. It's fun and intellectually stimulating.

Where-as the "mind of god" thing is also not falsifiable and tends to lead nowhere and discourages inquiry. It's not so much fun, and mostly leads to people trying to kill each other over who has the better imaginary friend.

Reminds me of and interview with a scientist who was developing a robotic fish. He expounded at lenght on the complexity of a real fish and trailed off saying "...and it's almost as if, as if, well, as if someone errr, someTHING, well, err, designed it..."
That would be evolution.
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