Originally Posted By: GameOver
So, Mrs. Harrison has worked with her community, "formed a group with some neighbors to promote self-reliance & trade tips and equipment."

I'm not saying that we shouldn't account for self defense as a personal choice. Seems to me the community aspect of preparedness is discussed less than what caliber of bullet to stockpile. Balance in all things.


I think self-defense should in many cases be part of ppreparedness, along with the realization that avoiding threats and altercations is in most cases wiser than trying to win them.

Self-defense can be something that you do within a community, so long as you have decent relationships and a community that can agree on things it cna do to defend itself. In the everyday run of the mill course of events, a community that looks out for its own (that is out and about in the neighborhood, that keeps its eyes on each other's property and welfare, that will help to protect the property and welfare of the members of the community) is probably a safer and, therefore, in some sense a more prepared community.

Of course, in some communities you could be accused of snitching.