Looks like a good list. Generally items that could be stuffed into pockets.

I'm surprised that he doesn't include some kind of tinder such as tinder-qwik or cotton balls impregnated with vaseline. Maybe he figures the magnesium will do the job? I'd be really leary of putting all my eggs in the magnesium basket. Magnesium shavings scatter if there's any wind.

It's also interesting that he includes a butane lighter for being out on ice. Butane generally won't turn into a gas below -0.5C (31F). I guess you could break the lighter and pour it into the metal cup and burn it there as a fire starter? Anyone understand the rationale behind this one?

I also wonder why Gord (the other writer, the one that Les references) recommends electrical tape. Why not just duct tape? I sort of think of duct tape as the gold standard.
Adventures In Stoving