Originally Posted By: OldBaldGuy
Re hoarding diapers for barter; I think that I would have a hard time sticking (so to speak) it to a mom with kids and no diapers. If I had them and didn't need them myself (I'm not that old yet), I would give them.

And thats the main reason I don't like to store items for bartering. When that mom shows up at your door step with an armful of babies and asks for diapers and she has nothing to trade will you be able to turn her down? Then if you do give her some how many many more will turn up later?

Same with alcohol/tobacco, someone shows up asking for some and has nothing to trade, a lot of smokers/drinkers I've known can be quite nasty when they don't have their favotire drug so your putting your self in a potential situation when/if you do turn them away.

Thats why I say if TSHTF you stay low for a long time, its only after whetever event has long passed and people have settled down and have started to rebuild that you start to barter. Any short term situation will be over soon enough and if your neighbors find out you had things they needed and didn't give them away your going to have fun living next to them afterward.