Back in 1979 - 1981, I got around fantastically on a 10 speed bike. Having a car in the city was a pain in the butt to me. My car stayed parked on (St. George) Staten Island unless I was going grocery shopping. Even on (St. George) Staten Island, everything but the grocery store was within easy walking range.

If I lived in any of the other 4 boroughs of NYC, I would be counting on either a bike (w/a trailer), a boat, or both, as a Bug Out Vehicle.

All the ways out of the city will be jammed up against anything bigger than a pedaled or motor bike.

The waterways will be fully accessible if you own a boat. If the boat has a cabin, you've a motel room with you as well. Bicycles can be stowed on such a sized boat and taken with you as well.
The best luck is what you make yourself!