1. What kind of a FAK is it? Does it come with a SAM splint? Moleskin? Anything that could expire?

2. I gotta say, something like pliers and a SAK could come in handy in the Cloverfield scenario you envision. If someone sees a knife in your daughter's bag, she may get in some major trouble. Then again, she's a woman and may not be searched thoroughly; whilst a knife may save her life.

3. Does the roll of quarters come in a leather bag with a lanyard? If not, it ought to. wink

4. Like ironraven said, that combo thing is no subsitute for a real compass and whistle. I do keep my matches in one, but the fancy stuff is just gravy.

5. Fire starter. It's small, light and it makes sparks. Why not?

Finally, you've got me beat in the storage department: packing all that stuff and leaving room for clothes is impressive.

Originally Posted By: dweste
Hide some money inside laminated labels or card; maybe in several places. Do not tell her it is there.

Include a do-not-open-unless-it-is-an-emergency letter. In addition to whatever words of love and wisdom, tell her where to find some of the hidden money.

Keep the location of some of the money out of the letter so you can do something positive to help her over the phone, email, whatever.

Sarah, your decision to share the MRE with Greg (who, might I add, slept with Jessica while you were here on vacation last Summer) dissappointed me. I will now withdraw a quarter of my loan to you.

*loud boom from inside the BOB*

I hope that in the future, you will make wiser choices.

Your Watchful Father
Whenever you rest, someone, somewhere is training to kick your ass.
