I watched a movie recently that was supposed to be based on a true story, don't remember the name though, but it was on one of the big networks. Anyway a wife is getting abused by her husband and has a child. She finds one of those underground railroad places to gointo hiding when no one else will help. The husband tracks her down and attacks her in her house. Shes wearing some kind of bracelet that when she squeezes sprays pepper spray allowing her to escape. he chases in her car and she keeps saying "just a little farthur" and finally comes to a bridge that is closed and has a steel gate across the road that her car fits under but the husbands surburban it too tall and crashes into it. She drives to an abandond house and pulls a bug out bag out of the car trunk, changes clothes and gets in another car and leaves. In the end she takes a self defense course and confronts the husband, cuts the phone line and has a cell phone jammer so the husband has to fight her. Her skills allow her to win the fight and the husband dies. Some of the parts like the EDc of her defense bracelet, the bug out bag in the car, the planned escape route seemed pretty well thought out.