Patient named Bill came into the ER via ambulance, chief complaint ventricular fibrillation, defibrillated successfully at scene by shock, and 4 more times en route. During the ER stay, he fibrillated 6 more times, before banging him with the paddles for third time, I said, to myself and to the code team, " Dammit, Bill, knock it off!" He promptly converted to a healthy rhythm. He converted from fib to healthy rhythm 3 more times on verbal command.

This is not supposed to happen.

We transferred him to ICU.He was not talking during the ambulance and er segments of the stay, but woke up in the ICU. and I looked in on him a couple of days later. He said that he had heard me calling him back each time, and reported experiencing the 'walk toward the light' phenomenon. He continued to be fibrillate periodically, and died after a 5 day ICU stay.

Ghost story? Dunno. Ironraven says it best.

Dance like you have never been hurt, work like no one is watching,love like you don't need the money.