Originally Posted By: nursemike
true-figuring them out is unattainable. The trick is for the guy to make his way to the edge of the cloud of testosterone in which he exists, and peer out at the rest of the world.

I simply cannot agree with any of nursemike's statements about men. Simply stated, I think he is giving men the short shrift and elevating women by puting them on a pedestal. I've never really ever met a woman worth much, relative to other women, that wanted to be put on a pedestal.

I do agree that figuring them out is simply not possible. But that cloud of testosterone stuff seems like, well, stuff that should be composted to be of any good.

Instead of figuring out how there brains work, people should think of members of the opposite sex, and people in general, as if they were machines, and operating the machines was the goal. If pulling a lever makes the machines happy and gets it to want to do what you want, then push that lever. If putting it in a certain position works, then put it in that position. If pushing a buttong works, do that. With people, there is not one button, position, lever, etc. there are many, and all will work at some time or another, so figuring out the right time to push a buttong, pull a lever, etc. is key.

In other words, if making fun of DW gets her to where want the same thign that I want from or for her, then why not do it? If complimenting her works, then do that.

In my case, DW seems to really like the idea that she as a guy who is somewhat prepared for the unexpected and is prepared to act in instances when things occur. As an example, we went by an overturned vehicle recently. It was pouring and it seemed as if the overturned SUV was going a little too fast, hit a puddle, went out of control, crossed a road and turned over into a ditch. I got out, checked on the driver, called 911, etc. (the accident was not a big deal, except to the guy who damaged the SUV, as he was OK). Later that morning, DW gave me some of the great looks a guy gets when his woman is happy with just who he is. For me, I was just doing what I thought was the right thing.

Now as far as trying to get her to be a bit more prepared, I think the incident gave me an opening. She froze when I asked her to do something, then she snapped out of it and helped me. I could tell there was real concern in her, because she does not want to be the person who freezes. So, maybe I have a chance there to get her to work on something.

I think as with anything, the key is to try to get them to want to work on it. Getting a person to do something is not going to be successful, unless you also get them to want to do something.

For a woman who is ok with some and not other outdoor activities, begin with doing the things she likes to do and expand from there.