Originally Posted By: ironraven
I'm wondering the same kinds of things, mainly due to gas prices. My big question, as someone who has ok hand-eye coordination and lousy use-the-force coordination is this:

Do they make them in automatic?

Yes, I'm serious. My biggest doubt is if I can manage the gears. I've driven stick in five cars, and had to buy three transmissions for people. The other two survived, but it doesn't fill me with confidence.

Back in the '70's Honda made an automatic. I think it was about 400cc so not a tiny bike. But it wasn't very popular.

If you have poor coordination I don't think a motorcycle is a good idea. The riding MUST be automatic because 99% of your brainpower needs to be on processing the threats around you. You're in combat. They ARE trying to kill you - whether they know it or not.