Thank you, Frank.

And in states where they have "castle doctrine" laws, it is quite amazing how far the law will support the homeowner. IIRC, my state just passed a homeowner civil lawsuit protection if the home invader is shot.

Here is my state's law: (1) A person is justified in using force against another when and to the extent that he reasonably believes that the force is necessary to prevent or terminate the other's unlawful entry into or attack upon his habitation; however, he is justified in the use of force which is intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily injury only if:
(a) the entry is made or attempted in a violent and tumultuous manner, surreptitiously, or by stealth, and he reasonably believes that the entry is attempted or made for the purpose of assaulting or offering personal violence to any person, dwelling, or being in the habitation and he reasonably believes that the force is necessary to prevent the assault or offer of personal violence; or
(b) he reasonably believes that the entry is made or attempted for the purpose of committing a felony in the habitation and that the force is necessary to prevent the commission of the felony.

If one leaves the front door open, and the person announces that they are coming, you can't shoot them (duh!) but if they open the door "quietly" to sneak in, all bets are off. No forced entry must be proven.
When the SHTF, no one comes out of it smelling pretty.