Background: years ago, I purchased a home from an ex-merchant mariner. In the cellar, I found an issue first aid kit, presumably dating to 40’s or 50’s. It was one of those charming, obsessive-compulsive items with each module of the kit contained in a 14small cardboard box with instructions on the outside. Merthiloate, tourniquet, triangular bandage .Each box was identical in size, and the container itself was fairly heavy steel with a rubber gasket and 4 locking clamps. A hell of a FAK, in all. The only empty box was the one that had contained the amphetamine sulfate tablets. This was the traditional military stay-awake tablet, until provigil came along and kept folks awake without annoying side effects like paranoia and hallucinations, which might be problematic when the folks experiencing them have cannons and shaped charges at their disposal. Apparently the kit designers were worried that the seamen might sleep through the crisis. Question: Do you include in your kit any kind of stimulant drug, like caffeine or amphetamines, other than that contained in coffee, chocolate, or caffeine-enhanced snickers bars (available, god help us, at Costco)?
Dance like you have never been hurt, work like no one is watching,love like you don't need the money.