Bugging out. Now there is an interesting word. I think of bugs and it's usually ants or bee swarms. So here we have thousands of people piled up on freeways making like bugs while ETS types are doing ninja flips under overpasses and rolling upright in a Weaver Stance with the Glock they told the whole world they owned online,leaving snares in case the mattress police are hot on their trail and swallowing glorified vitamen survival tablets. I tell you, the local Sahara club 4WD thugs got mad when the ranch I was on put up sucker oil pipe fencing. they threw up this rubble ramp faster than the Romans at Massada and roared over in triumph. Funny thing, some other club was already in the field, only they had tiny running lights and didn't move like those little off road quad runners. But then American Buffalo don't distinguish Sierra club from Sahara and the coyotes had an extra cause to laugh that night.Crawls back into my Wiggy bag, sticks the 12 guage barrel out and munches on fruitcake by LED until the crisis is over.