I've been thinking about doing this myself. I usually ride short distances in the city but I've been giving real thought to doing some multi day touring.

One thing I've been told by several enthusiasts so far is to learn how to fix your bike. Bad things happen and they usually happen at bad times. If you can't change a chain, roughly straighten a wheel, or fix a flat on the road you'll eventually be in for a miserable trip. Bikes need surprisingly few tools (though you'll likely need a few specialty ones) and tubes, folding tires, and chains weigh very little.

I got around the problem a bit by simplifying my bike. No gears. Single speed. I won't win any races but I've removed almost all of the mechanical parts aside from the brakes, the axles and the cranks. I can get the rear wheel off for repairs way easier and I get more exercise because I actually have to work to get up hills.

When I'm touring I'm out there to be out there...if it takes me longer that's a GOOD thing smile