I like the Fenix tribe in theory, but in practice (grouch alert!) my experiences have been hit-and-miss.

I had major problems with an L1T (bought the L2T body as well). Low mode died. High mode continued. I should note that the retailer sent a replacement, without a fight. Can't complain about that. But my trust has gone "conditional." I would definitely, always carry a backup.

Compare this to the Streamlight line (again, my personal experience): heavy, reliable, bombproof, un-sexy-techie. Now we're talkin'. Gotta talk to my source (wholesale!) about the next generation.

Even my un-sexy 2AA LED Maglite has performed above and beyond the call. But (as everyone knows) when the batts go low, the light goes out without warning. Be prepared. Otherwise, it's a workhorse.