Originally Posted By: SBRaider
Originally Posted By: dweste
I need / should use standard bear precautions everywhere I camp? Or is it enough to change gears and use such precautions only in bear country?

Why not make it a habit, so you don't forget to do it in the wrong area???

I agree completely.

If you make it a habit then you're covered where ever you go.

Bears pop up in the darnedest places.

Besides, there are other critters sniffing around looking for a easy meal that may not be as big a threat as bears, but could be a damned inconvenience.

I learned that the hard way when I first started backpacking when I crawled out of my tent in the dark and stumbled onto a pile of fire ants working over the area where I had cooked and eaten my dinner the previous night.

Big Mama Nature is a harsh and very effective teacher...

samhain autumnwood