Your on the internet right? And internet shares it's root word with interstate,right? So maybe you can email several police agencies/ Highway Patrols, townships,local branches of your religious affiliation, Freemasons, VFW, ALPHA KAPPA ZIPPO fraternity, etc? Just a friendly ' Hi, I'm walking through your area and want to be a polite guest and not cause undo concern. I am carrying this knife, but it's for spreading peanut butter, not a interstate crime spree, and I will be wearing a pink watchcap and my name is X.I helped plan teh route for two buddhist monks on a walking meditation THE LENGTH OF THE PCH. They stopped every third step and bowed in prayer and one took a vow of silence. I communicated with the three pacific state Highway patrols, several monasteries of several religions, local police etc. The only problem they encountered were a bunch of Hare Krishnas trying to convert them outside of Portland. I think half teh people we contacted went ahead and told other people, building an entire network of folks looking for the two monks.

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (07/09/08 04:59 PM)