I can't tell from your post how much experience you have or how much you are going to practice your skills before you leave. So apologies if my advice is off base.

I've been making some of the traps in this book . In addition to the traps, it has a lot about dressing and cooking what you have caught. I also believe it has more traps than are listed on those websites. For example, it discusses bird nets. And "best practices" for building the traps, like "use native materials from the area you are in" and "cover certain parts with mud so the critters will be less suspicious", suggested placement of the traps, and other concepts. I would buy this book and carry it with you for a while, reading and re-reading it when you have downtime until your trip arrives.

If you haven't guessed, that's what I'm doing in addition to practicing some of the mechanics in a controlled environment.

The book is no secret. I'm sure many people on this forum probably own it. But based on your reaction to those websites I am guessing you don't own a copy yet. And some simple schematics of traps may not be enough to ensure you are successful.

Most of the same traps that are in the book are on those websites but the book could be more "handy" for reasons you can guess. And of course its filled with a LOT of other information relevant to living out in the bush.

I would enjoy the kind of venture you have planned. Hope you come home with some good experiences.
You can't teach experience.