I do not believe that the problem with Politicians is the fact that they do not pass laws for the benefit of the people. At least, not all of them, that is... If you're rich, or make them a lot of money somehow it's different. Most laws are only to support the system that they have set up. Take Marijuana for example. It's most definitely not nearly as damaging as cigarettes or alcohol, yet it is still illegal. Reasons being, they can't make money off it being legal, at least not nearly as much as when it's illegal. Think about it: How much money goes into the justice system when a person gets caught with a little bit of weed? Upwards to a grand in most cases, for the first offense! They could never make up for that if they made it legal.... When someone gets busted for drunk driving, how much do they end up paying? Ridiculous costs add up, from initial fines, to getting the license back. It's all money- If they started making laws for the betterment of mankind, things might be different. But as long as the government is kissing the asses of big corporations, things will never change.
“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”