As one who generally likes to tramp around old buildings and such, I found the imagery and concepts [url= ]here[/url] to be mildly amusing, although the slick newsy approach tends to water it down a bit and just make it a bit mass market for my tastes.

My wife found this and pointed it out to me, she happened to be on a weekend field trip in some mountains near Chernobyl at the time, and relates that the stuff she had to drink did not taste good.

(Imagine being a parent and getting the call ... "by the way, your child was near the reactor when it melted down, but, no worries, we've got everything under control".)

Unfortunately my knowledge about preparedness for this sort of thing is sadly lacking, so the newsbyte just serves as a stark reminder to update my reading list.

In other news my children are turning out just fine. I think.

Edited by clarktx (07/03/08 04:14 AM)
You can't teach experience.