I've been reading a bit about the murders in the Rock Falls area of Illinois and in Missouri, as well as the arrest of the suspected killer. I also read about the cancelling of summer school classes and Little League games in the area. It seems to me that this could be the wrong reaction. See: http://www.qctimes.com/articles/2008/07/02/news/local/doc486b0da9451fb470486840.txt?sPos=1

In areas where the neighbors are out and about and looking out for each other, the people are usually safer and more secure. When people sit inside, lock their doors and stop looking out for each other, when they isolate themselves, often they become less secure as a community. In this case, the suspect was caught because a person decided to go out for dinner and recognized the person who was wanted. If they had sat at home, the suspect could still be on the loose.

Is the cancelling of the games and schools a case of panic? Is it also a case of the people who are in charge of these activities trying to do some CYA, so they are not blamed or sued for anything? Are these kind of reactions likely to make people less secure? I don't have answers, but it seems to me as that these things are worth thinking about.