That is so awesome! Definatly every little bit helps. Our school has an auction every year, and this year we had one that was basically you go to Catalina with some teachers, and stay there for a while, well the place we went was a marine institute, and so you learn about sharks and go snorkeling and whatnot. We were taking with one of the instructors about how it is when there are people from Arizona there, who have never seen the ocean, and think that as soon as they get in the water, they are going to be eaten by sharks, and how this camp teaches them that the ocean isn't a bad place and that no you won't get eaten by a shark as soon as you get in. We were a group used the the ocean, and used to going in every day in the summer, so they didn't have to do this with any of our kids, but I can imagine how it could be scary for some.
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impossible is just the beginning

though i seek perfection, i wear my scars with pride

Have you seen the arrow?