Here's the pics from my FAK post. This is my car kit:

My car kit, from above. Orange duffel bought at an EMS convention.

Middle pocket is "big stuff" gauze rolls, burn dressings OP airways, extra gauze, stethoscope, splints.

CPR pouch (top outside pocket in above picture): CPR mask, 10cc syringe, buck knife, trauma shears.

Airway pouch, on the right side of the bag: Ambu bag, Vionex hand wipes, triage tags. Might have some gowns and masks in there too, I forget (they aren't pictured)

Glove pouch, the bottom outside pocket, ziplock bag of regular gloves, and ziplock of trauma gloves. Not pictured, since it's just gloves.

Next is the trauma pouch, the left side. 4x4, 2x2 gauze, some military trauma dressings, kerlix, vaseline gauze, and eye goggles

Edited by MDinana (06/18/08 09:44 PM)